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Hirsch Index (h-index, h factor) is the h factor for a given author.
The h-index is a way of measuring scientific achievements by considering both the number of publications and the number of citations. The h-index for an author is the number of publications cited at least h times. For example, an h-index of 3 means the author has 3 publications cited at least 3 times.

The h-index can be determined using several different tools:

Web of Science Core Collection Cited Reference Search
Publish or Perish
Google Scholar Citations

Note: Results obtained from different sources may vary depending on the content of the database.

InCites (an add-on to Web of Science) - is used for analyzing data contained in the SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI, JCR, and ESI databases and allows comparing the scientific output of researchers and institutions, analyzing the use of journals in institutions, and developing research strategies.
Any user who wants to use the tool must have a personal account on the Web of Science platform.
You can create an account by selecting the "Sign In" option in the menu and then "Register."
Note: Users who already have a personal Web of Science account should, before accessing InCites for the first time, log out of their Web of Science account, clear their browser data, and then log in directly.

SciVal (an add-on to Scopus) - is a tool for analyzing data contained in the Scopus database, which enables the visualization of the achievements of scientific institutions, comparison with other entities, evaluation of potential collaborators and partners, and the analysis of trends in the world of science.
Any user who wants to use the tool must have a personal account for Elsevier services. This could be an account previously created on Science Direct or Scopus servers. You can also create an account on the SciVal server by selecting the "Register Now" option in the menu.

Impact Factor (IF, citation impact factor, influence factor)
Impact Factor is the average number of citations of a given journal over the past two years. It helps to assess the significance of a journal compared to others in the same field. It is calculated for journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database.
Formula for Impact Factor: IF(2019) = C(2017-2018) / A(2017-2018)

C - total number of citations for articles published in 2017-2018
A - number of all articles published in 2017-2018

Years Article Scoring Scoring of Other Publications

Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science dated January 5, 2024

Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science dated July 22, 2021


Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science dated November 3, 2023

Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science dated July 17, 2023


Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science dated December 21, 2021

2019 Scoring according to the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, Announcement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education dated December 18, 2019  
2017 Information on the non-assessment of scientific journals in 2017  
2016 List of Scientific Journals:

Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated December 9, 2016, on the List of Ranked Journals:

Recognized Database of Internationally Accessible Scientific Publications

  • Publication in peer-reviewed materials from an international conference indexed in Web of Science – 15 points. (The publication must be indexed in the Web of Science, meaning it can be found there and the "Document type" must state "Proceedings paper")
  • Electronic versions of publications in scientific journals are scored if they are made available at a specified online address, forming part of the journal’s formal structure (e.g., year, volume, issue, etc.) or have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and the appropriate year of publication.
  • Peer-reviewed scientific publication in a language other than Polish, published in a foreign scientific journal not listed in the ranked journals list – 5 points.
Points for Monographs

  • Scientific monograph, with no more than 3 authors, and at least one author indicating the institution as affiliation – 25 points.
  • Scientific monograph, with at least 4 authors, and their contribution not specified – points proportional to the number of authors who indicated the institution as affiliation, in relation to the total number of authors:


    Ajn – the number of authors of the monograph who indicated the institution as affiliation,
    A – total number of authors of the monograph.
  • Multi-author scientific monograph, where the authorship of individual chapters is specified, and at least 4 authors indicated the institution as affiliation – 15 points.
  • Multi-author scientific monograph (*), where:

        1. The authorship of individual chapters is specified,
        2. At least 4 authors,
        3. The combined length of chapters authored by individuals who indicated the institution as affiliation (this condition also applies to the scientific editor of the volume) is at least 6 publisher's sheets – 15 points.

Chapter in a Monograph

    Chapter in a multi-author scientific monograph, where authorship of individual chapters is specified and at least 4 authors, excluding monographs marked above (*), – 5 points.

    If the number of authors of the chapter in a scientific monograph is at least 2, and the institution indicated as the affiliation by the chapter’s author – 2.5 points.

Monograph Editing

    Scientific editing of a multi-author scientific monograph, where authorship of individual chapters is specified and at least 4 authors, excluding monographs marked above (*), conducted by an institution’s employee – 5 points.

2015 Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated December 18, 2015, with the list of journals:
  • Part A - Journals with Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part B - Journals without Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part C - Journals in ERIH

Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated July 1, 2016, regarding the correction of the announcement from December 18, 2015, concerning the list of journals.
2014 Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated December 31, 2014, with the list of journals:
  • Part A - Journals with Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part B - Journals without Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part C - Journals in ERIH

Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated March 25, 2015, regarding the correction of errors in Parts B and C of the journal list from December 31, 2014.
2013 Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated December 17, 2013, with the list of journals:
  • Part A - Journals with Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part B - Journals without Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part C - Journals in ERIH



Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated December 20, 2012, with the list of journals:
  • Part A - Journals with Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part B - Journals without Impact Factor (IF)
  • Part C - Journals in ERIH

Announcement of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) dated April 22, 2013, regarding the correction of certain entries in Part B of the journal list from December 20, 2012.

Authorship of a scientific monograph in the primary language of the scientific discipline or in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, or Italian* – 25 points.

Authorship of a scientific monograph in Polish (if Polish is not the primary language in the given scientific discipline) or in a language other than English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, or Italian – 20 points.

Authorship of a chapter in a scientific monograph in Polish (if Polish is not the primary language in the given scientific discipline) or in a language other than English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, or Italian – 4 points.

Authorship of a chapter in a scientific monograph in the primary language of the scientific discipline or in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, or Italian* – 5 points.

Scientific editing of a multi-author monograph in the primary language of the scientific discipline or in English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, or Italian* – 5 points.

Scientific editing of a multi-author monograph in Polish (if Polish is not the primary language in the given scientific discipline) or in a language other than English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, or Italian – 4 points.

Exclusions from Scientific and Creative Achievements:

  • Monographic articles published in journals (articles published in non-peer-reviewed journals, such as opinion magazines, university periodicals – articles of a journalistic, essayistic nature, etc.),
  • Scripts and academic textbooks,
  • Novels, poetry collections, short story and reportage collections, memoirs, and diaries,
  • Reprints of scientific monographs (except for a new edition of a monograph if it is a "revised and expanded edition").

A scientific monograph is a scholarly work, comprising at least 6 publisher's sheets, published as a book or a separate volume, addressing a specific issue in a comprehensive, original, and creative manner.

A chapter in a scientific monograph is a scholarly work of at least half a publisher's sheet or a separate map. The total number of points for chapters in a multi-author monograph cannot exceed the total number of points awarded for the scientific monograph. If the same person is both the author of chapters in a multi-author monograph or co-author of a multi-author monograph where the authorship of individual chapters is not specified, and simultaneously the scientific editor, points will also be awarded for scientific editing.

The primary language in a given scientific discipline is the language that, in the process of comprehensive evaluation of scientific units, is treated in that scientific discipline – due to its specifics – in terms of applied scoring analogously to languages such as English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, or Italian in other scientific disciplines. The decision to recognize a language as primary in a given scientific discipline is made by the relevant committee of the Evaluation Committee for Scientific Units, based on the request of the evaluation team, which includes experts from the relevant scientific fields and the types of evaluated scientific units.



Consolidated List of Scientific Journals dated June 25, 2010

Authorship of a monograph or author’s textbook in English or the primary language for a given scientific discipline – 24 points.

Authorship of a monograph or author’s textbook in a language other than English or the primary language for a given scientific discipline – 12 points.

Authorship of a chapter in a monograph or author’s textbook in English or the primary language for a given scientific discipline – 7 points.

Authorship of a chapter in a monograph or author’s textbook in a language other than English or the primary language for a given scientific discipline – 3 points.

Editor-in-Chief of a Multi-Author Monograph, Author’s Textbook, or Book Series:

  •     In English or the primary language for a given scientific discipline – 5 points.
  •     In another language – 3 points.

A scientific monograph is a scholarly work published as a book or a separate volume, discussing a specific issue in a comprehensive, original, and creative manner, covering a minimum of 6 publisher's sheets (applies to humanities, social sciences, and fields of art and their constituent artistic disciplines).

Monographs Are Not Considered: Monographic articles published in journals, novels, poetry collections, short story and reportage collections, memoirs, diaries, etc., reprints of monographs.

A chapter in a scientific monograph is a scholarly work of at least one publisher's sheet (applies to humanities, social sciences, and fields of art and their constituent artistic disciplines).

2008 Consolidated List of Ranked Journals dated June 18, 2009
2007 Consolidated List of Scientific Journals dated August 26, 2008



List of journals with ministerial scoring. Authorship of a Monograph or Academic Textbook in English – from 12 to 24 points*.

Authorship of a Chapter in a Monograph or Academic Textbook in English – up to 12 points*.

Authorship of a Monograph or Academic Textbook in Polish or Another Non-English Language – from 6 to 20 points*.

Authorship of a Chapter in a Monograph or Academic Textbook in Polish or Another Non-English Language – up to 6 points*.

Editing of a Monograph or Academic Textbook:
  •     In Polish or another non-English language – 5 points.
  •     In English – 10 points.

*The regulation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of August 4, 2005 [Dz.U.2005.161.1359] does not specify the exact number of points to be assigned to monographic documents corresponding to the above rules.
2004 For publications with an IF (Impact Factor) - table
For publications without an IF (Impact Factor) - table
The number of points assigned for:
  •     Authorship of a monograph or academic textbook in English – from 12 to 24 points.
  •     Authorship of a chapter in a monograph or academic textbook in English – up to 12 points.
  •     Authorship of a monograph or academic textbook in Polish or another non-English language – from 6 to 18 points.
  •     Authorship of a chapter in a monograph or academic textbook in Polish or another non-English language – up to 3 points.
  •     Authorship of a chapter in a monograph or academic textbook in a field where the descriptive language is an ethnic language, and the subject of study concerns texts created in this language – up to 6 points.
  •     Editing of a monograph or academic textbook – from 5 to 10 points.

The total number of points for individual chapters in a monograph cannot exceed the points assigned for the entire monograph.

The definition of "academic textbook" does not include: lecture and exercise scripts, professional guides, popular science books, etc.

Reprints of publications cannot be submitted for evaluation.

ERIH PLUS - European Reference Index for the Humanities
The ERIH (The European Reference Index for the Humanities) indexes peer-reviewed scientific journals in the humanities, social sciences, and arts.

Index Copernicus is a multidisciplinary indexing database for scientific journals based on the ICV (Index Copernicus Value).
The condition for indexing in the database is the successful completion of a multidimensional evaluation, after which journals are granted an ICV (Index Copernicus Value) valid for 1 year. This value reflects the level of development of the journal and its impact strength.
The database has two modules:

ICI Journals Master List - It contains a list of journals that have passed the positive indexing procedure and have an ICV.

ICI World of Journals - One of the largest international databases of scientific journals from around the world, where all periodicals can register.

Date added: 10 August 2024