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The University Library offers access to the Interlibrary loan system of books and scientific publications ACADEMICA, which provides digital access to full texts of books, journals, and other publications from all fields of knowledge held by the National Library.

In the ACADEMICA system, readers will find both older publications—those not protected by copyright—and new publications—those protected by copyright, which can only be accessed on terminals dedicated to ACADEMICA located in the Reading Room.

Note: Access to the Interlibrary loan system of books and scientific publications ACADEMICA is available to individuals with a library account at the University Library. To register, please visit the Reading Room of the University Library (Al. Armii Krajowej 36a, Room 3).

Basic Rules for Using the ACADEMICA System at the University Library of Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa:

• Users registered in the system can access ACADEMICA; detailed information is available in the Reader's Manual.
• Free user registration is carried out by librarians in the Reading Room during library hours.
• Publications can be reserved by the user or librarian using a form for selected dates within 14 days from the reservation date. A maximum of 10 publications (5 per hour) can be reserved for 3 chosen days, during library hours.
• On the terminal providing access to scientific publications, it is not possible to download or print viewed materials. Users can copy text fragments using Notepad. Notepad allows saving up to 3600 characters.
• The terminal providing access to scientific publications does not have internet access.

Detailed rules for using the system are available in the User Regulations for the Interlibrary loan system of books and scientific publications ACADEMICA.

Date added: 10 February 2024